Sunday 9 September 2012

21st century music

what is music in this century? honestly I think it has no meaning behind it, music nowadays just engross' you and makes you brain dead (not literally) because it does not teach you anything. the genres of music which do that to you are rap, R&B, pop, rock and so on; me myself yes I do listen to these genres of music but then I do not get so absorbed that it becomes life. Then you have the celebs that write or produce those albums or songs they become people's idols, which I think effects teenage girls more because it makes them conscious about how they look or questions like; "am I fat?" i'm not blaming the celebrities....just blaming the image they give to fans and teens as well as children. i love music but some times when i hear music that is pointless and unnecessary it enrages me because all the music industry is doing is rotting young adults minds and children. this generation wants to be perfect due to what the music industries image is set at....when its impossible. #StayReal    

1 comment:

  1. It is so refreshing to hear this from someone of your generation. I agree but I always thought it was because I was getting old!

    Please continue to question these representations and media constructs as this type of thinking is exactly what is required for success on this course.
