Thursday, 6 December 2012

key conventions

1. the genre of the film  is a thriller

2. the poster has shown different scene settings, which is giving out a little information about what the plot of the film is about. they've put in a tag line that says "what if a pill could make you rich and powerful" this tag line explains a miniscule amount of what the film is about. they have put the 3 main actors on the poser in order of importance.

3. the trailer has a voice over, which is explaining the film concept. As well as a fast upeat sound track, it also has dialogue fading in out while the trailer is on, so it oits explaining what is going on in the trailer.

4.  the target audience is 18-40 because of the theories in the movie as well as the plot goes on, it wouldn't be so understandabele for under 18's.

5. the film is a promotional sucess because of the advertising that was used to attract an audience also the ratings and reviews given by so many companys and magazines.

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